Are you a good liar?...

...even when lying is completely legitimate and has no consequences? Does your body language reveal more about you than you suspect? How pronounced is your intuition, and are you capable of sensing things you cannot know?
Twins or even good friends are often on the same wavelength and often think, feel, or say the same things at the same time. How quickly can you establish such a connection with a completely unfamiliar person?

The show is a collaboration between the performer and the audience, with participants always coming from the audience. There are no insiders and no prearrangements.

Experience now up close and live how your brain membrane gets goosebumps when you find out...
...that humans have always been transparent. easily manipulable humans are. you reveal more about yourself than you think through the smallest signs.


Neuroscientific findings indicate that approximately 95% of our cognitive processes and decisions occur unconsciously. Supporting evidence comes from studies, such as those examining shopping behavior in supermarkets with different types of music. When customers were asked about their decision-making reasons, they often provided rational arguments such as price or taste. However, these appear to be more justifications than actual reasons, as if the respondents were to genuinely contemplate all these thoughts, they would need several hours for each shopping trip. In such situations, quick decisions are required, prompting intuition or the subconscious to come into play. By which factors are these guided?

By which factors are you guided?
